Visual aid can be used for teaching facial expression. Helps to develop imagination, empathy and creativity, train communication skills.Alat peraga edukasi membantu anak untuk melatih ekspresi wajah. Cocok untuk anak usia PAUD, sekolah dasar.  Meningkatkan kemampuan imajinasi, empati, kreativitas bermain dan berkomunikasi.
Visual aid can be used for teaching facial expression. Helps to develop imagination, empathy and creativity, train communication skills.Alat peraga edukasi membantu anak untuk melatih ekspresi wajah. Cocok untuk anak usia PAUD, sekolah dasar.  Meningkatkan kemampuan imajinasi, empati, kreativitas bermain dan berkomunikasi.
Visual aid finger puppet family member. Perfect for activity at sunday school, daycare or home. Increase children imagination.Alat peraga kisah boneka jari tema keluarga. Dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas di sekolah minggu, daycare atau di rumah. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.
Visual aid finger puppet family member. Perfect for activity at sunday school, daycare or home. Increase children imagination.Alat peraga kisah boneka jari tema keluarga. Dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas di sekolah minggu, daycare atau di rumah. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.
Famous story about Jesus feeds 5000 with five loaves and two fishes. Perfect for sunday school story telling and activity, can be used in home or daycare.Kisah terkenal Yesus memberi makan lima roti dan dua ikan. Cocok untuk kegiatan story telling di rumah atau sekolah minggu. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.
Visual educative aid,. This play food can help children to learn using visuals in the learning process that help memorizing.Alat peraga edukasi seri buah-buahan. Membantu sarana edukasi anak untuk mengenal bentuk dan sebagai alat bermain.
Sunday school story about the garden of Eden, a way to explore the Bible through engaging activities. Perfect for activity at Sunday school, daycare, or home.Alat peraga kisah sekolah minggu tentang Taman Eden, Adam dan Hawa. Dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas di sekolah minggu, daycare atau di rumah. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.
Visual educative aid,. Hand puppet family. Great tools for parent-child activity or kindergarten teaching toys. Suitable for stories telling, game playing, art performance, and more. Helps to develop imagination and creativity, train communication skills.Alat peraga edukasi membantu anak untuk memahami cerita, membantu orang tua dan anak bermain story telling. Cocok ...
Visual educative aid,. Hand puppet family. Great tools for parent-child activity or kindergarten teaching toys. Suitable for stories telling, game playing, art performance, and more. Helps to develop imagination and creativity, train communication skills.Alat peraga edukasi membantu anak untuk memahami cerita, membantu orang tua dan anak bermain story telling. Cocok ...
Visual educative aid,. Hand puppet occupation female. Great tools for parent-child activity or kindergarten teaching toys. Suitable for stories telling, game playing, art performance, and more. Helps to develop imagination and creativity, train communication skills.Alat peraga edukasi membantu anak untuk memahami cerita, membantu orang tua dan anak bermain story telling. ...
Finger puppet Jesus and 12 disciples. Perfect for sunday school story telling and activity, can be used in home or daycare.Boneka jari Yesus dan 12 murid. Cocok untuk kegiatan story telling di rumah atau sekolah minggu. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.
Finger puppet Jesus and Zaccheus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector of the city Jericho and learned that Jesus the prophet was passing through the city.  Since Zacchaeus was "short in stature," he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up into a sycamore tree to have a better view ...