Baby animal cloth mask or character mask. Available in chicken, duck, elephant, mouse, panda and piggy.Masker kain karakter. Tersedia dalam desain ayam, bebek, gajah, tikus, panda, babi.
Filters fine particles in the air in stylish way. Embroidery garuda pancasila with gradation thread.Masker Garuda Pancasila. Masker kain tiga lapis, dengan benang gradasi. Terdapat variasi tambahan tali gantung untuk mempermudah aktivitas ketika sedang melepas masker. Bahan kain katun, panjang tali 60cm, tersedia warna merah, hitam, hijau. Masker saja : Rp ...
Filters fine particles in the air in stylish way. Embroidery with one of the story made by Philip Triatna and Julie Tane from #Berdetak. Raising awareness about productive activity that we can do during Corona Virus. Right side of the mask embroidery "INDONESIA BANGKIT", left side "Avoid Hoax"Bagian dalam ada ...
Face mask lanyard. Never lose or misplace your face mask again. Cotton material, 100% washable and re-useable. Length 60cm.Tali masker terbuat dari bahan katun dengan kancing, panjang 60cm. Memudahkan anda yang sering kali lupa meletakan masker. Motif tersedia : batik, polos, polkadot, garis. Cara penggunaan ada pada video.
Filters fine particles in the air in stylish way. Hand painting by one of our deaf friend, using acrylic paint. Custom painting please contact 0878 8070 9000 (WA)Masker lukis, terbuat dari katun tiga lapis. Dapat ditambah filter lagi. Dilukis oleh salah satu teman tuli di Precious One, foto yang ...
Filters fine particles in the air. Soft and breathable, easy to use, eco friendly material. One package include : three pcs cloth mask, pouch. The pattern is limited as we used fabric waste to reduce residual in fashion industry.Masker kain katun tiga lapis yang dapat dicuci sehingga lebih ramah ...