Bamboo wind chime, hand painted. Consist of five bamboo pipe, 76 cm total length. Pleasant and rich sound. Pattern and color may vary based on availability. Product collaboration with Pak Wiyono, person with disabilities from Semarang.Kluntungan bambu, dilukis dengan tangan. Terdiri dari lima pipa bambu, panjang 76 cm. Suara ...
Reversible planter are designed to cover your plastic pots and are not designed for your indoor plants to be planted directly inside the bag.
Green gift for you or your loved ones. Unleash your inner green thumb with this gift. These plants are not only good looking but are excellent air-purifiers. Hadiah tanaman untuk anda dan orang terkasih. Keluarkan kemampuanmu merawat tanaman, tidak hanya indah untuk dilihat tapi juga menyegarkan ruangan dengan baik.
Crochet waist bag is part of Rajut Kasih Program. Collaborate with disabilities throughout Indonesia to support them to keep productive beyond distance. The crochet is decorate and sew in Precious One.Tas tangan terbuat dari rajutan (crochet) adalah bagian dari program Rajut Kasih. Dirajut oleh disabilitas dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, ...
The elastic band inside the scrunchies has an excellent stretch, not too tight or too loose, They can grip into your hair really well without loosening or falling down. And comfortably around your wrist, which is convenient for carrying them around. Handmade by waste fabric, limited available pattern.ikat rambut ...
Assemble their favorite sandwich. This is a cute little sandwich that can be stacked and pulled apart again! Good for little kids. Educative toys for children under 3 years old, made with felt.Alat peraga edukasi sandwich bisa dilepas isinya, lucu dan unik. Mainan play apart terbuat dari flanel sangat bermanfaat ...
Blouse cotton, combination with various pattern. Part of our zero waste commitment to transform waste patch and fabric into fashion. Available in S and M sizeS size : neck : 67cm arm length : 44cm width : 98cm length : 62cmM size :neck : 67cm arm length : 48cm width : 107cm length : 65cmAtasan katun ...
Blouse made using Flores weave. Collaborate with Bangflo which provide the authentic Flores weave. Perfect addition to any occasion. Ethnic combination using traditional Flores weave and cotton.Size small to medium. neck round 40 cm Shoulder width 34 cm Width 101 cm Length 56 cm motive and pattern may vary due to stock availabilityOuter terbuat ...
Special handbag to celebrate the warmth of Christmas day. Eco-friendly, plastic-free and entirely recycled, reclaimed and repurposed materialsHandbag spesial merayakan kehangatan Natal. Dibuat oleh teman-teman disabilitas dari Precious One, menggunakan bahan goni yang digunakan kembali dan dicuci lebih dulu sehingga lebih aman.
Give your Christmas tree a colorful crochet. Unique and classic xmas decoration. Made by cotton yarn, using crochet techniques.Dekorasi Natal dibuat dengan teknik rajutan, terbuat dari bahan benang rajut katun. Dibuat oleh teman-teman disabilitas dari Precious One.
Traditional Flores weave, made into scarf. Forever a lasting fashion accessory. Exclusive collaboration Precious One X BangFlo, Banggain Flores from Flores to Indonesia.Syal dari bahan tenun tradisional Flores, NTT. Buatan perempuan pengrajin lokal di Flores, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Bekerjasama dengan BangFlo, Banggain Flores.
Face mask lanyard. Never lose or misplace your face mask again. Cotton material, 100% washable and re-useable. Length 60cm.Tali masker terbuat dari bahan katun dengan kancing, panjang 60cm. Memudahkan anda yang sering kali lupa meletakan masker. Motif tersedia : batik, polos, polkadot, garis. Cara penggunaan ada pada video.