Hand painted Denim Jacket, custom made. Using acrylic paint.Jaket denim lukis langsung di atas permukaan jaket. Dapat custom desain, menggunakan cat akrilik.
Filters fine particles in the air in stylish way. Hand painting by one of our deaf friend, using acrylic paint. Custom painting please contact 0878 8070 9000 (WA)Masker lukis, terbuat dari katun tiga lapis. Dapat ditambah filter lagi. Dilukis oleh salah satu teman tuli di Precious One, foto yang ...
Transformed your old apparel into something new. Hand painted on fabric will give an amazing look on your appearance.
Hand painting rate :
Size A5 (21x15cm) - Rp 125.000
Size A4 (30x21cm) - Rp 250.000
Size A3 (42x30cm) - Rp 400.000Denim jacket with hand painting :
UP movie - Rp 800.000
Sakura - Rp 600.000
Lion ...
Visual aid hand puppet for story telling about God Creation from day 1 until day 6. Fun tools to play between parents and children, also can be used in daycare or Sunday school.Alat peraga edukatif untuk meningkatkan kreativitas anak, mengisahkan tentang penciptaan dunia ini dari hari pertama sampai hari ...
Story about Jonah inside the belly of fish. Supporting aid to help children understand the story of Jonah, can be used in sunday school, day care and home.Kisah tentang Yunus di perut ikan. Dapat digunakan untuk sekolah minggu atau untuk aktivitas story telling bersama anak.
Colorful hand bag patchwork. Ideal as a book bag or for shopping. A lovely vintage feel.#patchwork #handbag #tasperca #tasvintageHandbag simple untuk sehari-hari. Dibuat oleh teman-teman disabilitas dari Precious One.
Hand painted on pouch. This multipurpose pouch is perfect for your everyday essentials.
Wash it in cold water with a mild detergent (hand wash or gentle cycle on your washing machine). Do not use fabric softener, or it will wipe the paints away. Hang dry, avoid direct sunlight.Dompet yang dilukis ...
Head cover or head cap to protect your hair and head. Made by cotton, washable.Penutup kepala untuk melindungi kepala dan rambut anda. Terbuat dari kain katun yang mudah untuk dicuci.
Twisted headband batik, fashionable while being practical for bad hair days, and help to keep hair under control while doing activities. The fabric itself is a non stretch cotton, and the comfortable stretch and fit comes from the matching covered elastic band.Bandana batik unik, tetap fashionable untuk walaupun bad ...
Paket madu terdiri dari :
- Madu botol ukuran 250ml (Rp 250.000)
- Pouch dan kartu ucapan (Rp 75.000)Dapat dibeli terpisah.
Cotton scarf with batik pattern, motives and color.Scarf katun dengan motif batik. Tersedia variasi warna dan corak.
Batik pants, elastic wide waistband with drawstring. Comfortable and durable material, suitable for any occasion formal, ethnic, casual and non-formal.Celana harem batik, ada karet pada bagian pinggang. Nyaman untuk digunakan di berbagai acara formal, informal, etnik dan kasual.