Its a stylish and cuddly cushion, made from fabric and the cover is replaceable and washable.
This gorgeous cushion is the perfect gift for baby and child, a fab birthday present or for your own collection it will look stunning in your own home too. The brightly coloured cushions will ...
Baby animal cloth mask or character mask. Available in chicken, duck, elephant, mouse, panda and piggy.Masker kain karakter. Tersedia dalam desain ayam, bebek, gajah, tikus, panda, babi.
Visual aid finger puppet Daniel in Lion's den. Perfect for activity at sunday school, daycare or home. Increase children imagination.Alat peraga kisah Daniel di gua singa. Dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas di sekolah minggu, daycare atau di rumah. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.
Coin purse that holds money, credit cards, small cosmetics, and any little odds and ends!Dompet kecil bisa untuk koin, kartu kredit, kosmetik kecil, dan barang-barang lainnya.
Twisted headband batik, fashionable while being practical for bad hair days, and help to keep hair under control while doing activities. The fabric itself is a non stretch cotton, and the comfortable stretch and fit comes from the matching covered elastic band.Bandana batik unik, tetap fashionable untuk walaupun bad ...
Tissue case for cat lover. Make your travel tissues fun by carrying them in a sweet pouch. Unique in custom, handmade pieces.Tempat tissue berbentuk kucing, sangat tepat untuk anda cat lovers. Tempat tissue travel praktis untuk dimasukan dalam tas.
Totebag made by denim patch. Show your action in reducing waste by using environmentally product. Large capacity, simple, unique pattern. Take everything what you need and it all fits perfect in the bag. Very practical for daily use. Hand painted by autistic friend in Rumah Im Star.Totebag dengan aplikasi ...
Filters fine particles in the air in stylish way. Embroidery with one of the story made by Philip Triatna and Julie Tane from #Berdetak. Raising awareness about productive activity that we can do during Corona Virus.
Right side of the mask embroidery "INDONESIA BANGKIT", left side "Avoid Hoax"Bagian dalam ada ...
Everyone Can Be a Hero.
Be inspired with the aspiration of children with cancer. Superhero plush is handmade by our deaf and mute friends to honor them for their positivity, determination and bravery. You can buy and give this plush to other people/children that might need it. Or you can ...
Hair Pin Do It Yourself (DIY) Set.
Now you can make your own hair pin with felt and UHU glue. Quick and easy craft to make, anyone even children can do. Tutorial video is available on linktr.ee/Precious.One Hair Pin Do It Yourself (DIY) Set.
Kreasikan hiasan rambut dengan flanel lem UHU. Kerajinan ...
Hair Pin Do It Yourself (DIY) Set.
Now you can make your own hair pin with felt and UHU glue. Quick and easy craft to make, anyone even children can do. Tutorial video is available on linktr.ee/Precious.One Hair Pin Do It Yourself (DIY) Set.
Kreasikan hiasan rambut dengan flanel lem UHU. Kerajinan ...
Simple totebag in red and white stripes. Made by people with disabilities from Precious One.Totebag simple dengan warna merah dan putih. Dibuat oleh teman-teman disabilitas dari Precious One.