Transformed your old apparel into something new. Hand painted on fabric will give an amazing look on your appearance. Hand painting rate : Size A5 (21x15cm) - Rp 125.000 Size A4 (30x21cm) - Rp 250.000 Size A3 (42x30cm) - Rp 400.000Denim jacket with hand painting : UP movie - Rp 800.000 Sakura - Rp 600.000 Lion ...
Hand painted Denim Jacket, custom made. Using acrylic paint.Jaket denim lukis langsung di atas permukaan jaket. Dapat custom desain, menggunakan cat akrilik. 
Handbag made by leather, bag pattern using shibori technique specially handmade by Samasta, autistic student from SLB Cita Hati Bunda, Surabaya.Inner lining, covered with suede. Size 21 x 15 x 10 cm Tas Kulit Shibori Kolaborasi Samasta Karya Disabilitas, motif tas tangan terbuat dari kain shibori karya teman-teman autisme dari ...