Visual aid finger puppet women superheroes to stimulate imagination. Great to be used in the classroom , daycare and home.Alat peraga edukasi boneka jari berbentuk superheroes perempuan untuk kreasi imajinasi anak. Sangat baik digunakan untuk di ruang kelas, rumah dan daycare. 
Visual educative aid,. This plush can help children to learn using visuals in the learning process that help memorizing.Alat peraga edukasi membantu anak untuk mengerti dan mengingat bentuk hewan.
Foldable bag in owl shape. Use it to carry your groceries home or wear it as a shoulder bag. Tas lipat bentuk owl, bila tidak sedang memakai nya maka dapat digunakan sebagai gantungan lucu di tas anda, sangat ringan dan praktis untuk disimpan dan dibawa kemana pun.
Handmade oven mitts made with love.  It is the best things to keep your hands in safe from the hot surfaces.Sarung oven untuk melindungi tangan anda, memudahkan ketika harus mengangkat panci panas.
Eco friendly travel pouch that can be reused many times. Say no to single-use plastic wherever you go, bring your own cutlery set with you everywhere you go!Tempat penyimpanan peralatan makan yang dapat digunakan berulang dan mudah untuk dibawa. Lebih higienis dan praktis. Hindari penggunaan plastik sekali pakai.
Scarf using shibori technique specially handmade by Samasta, autistic student from SLB Cita Hati Bunda, Surabaya.Syal menggunakan teknik shibori buatan teman-teman autisme dari SLB Cita Hati Bunda, Surabaya.
 Couple Cushion is perfect in wedding or anniversary gift and home decoration as well. Comes in two design bride and groom.Sepasang bantal sangat tepat untuk hadiah pernikahan atau ulang tahun pernikahan. Tersedia dalam desain tuxedo dan baju pengantin wanita.  
Ondel-ondel is a large puppet figure featured in Betawi folk performance of Jakarta, Indonesia. As the icon of Jakarta, Ondel-ondel are utilized for livening up festivals or for welcoming guests of honor and usually in pairs.   Ondel-ondel merupakan simbol suku Betawi dan Jakarta. Boneka besar ini biasa dimunculkan dalam perayaan ...
Its a stylish and cuddly cushion, made from fabric and the cover is replaceable and washable. This gorgeous cushion is the perfect gift for baby and child, a fab birthday present or for your own collection it will look stunning in your own home too. The brightly coloured cushions will ...
Twisted headband batik, fashionable while being practical for bad hair days, and help to keep hair under control while doing activities. The fabric itself is a non stretch cotton, and the comfortable stretch and fit comes from the matching covered elastic band.Bandana batik unik, tetap fashionable untuk walaupun bad ...
Transformed your old apparel into something new. Hand painted on fabric will give an amazing look on your appearance. Hand painting rate : Size A5 (21x15cm) - Rp 125.000 Size A4 (30x21cm) - Rp 250.000 Size A3 (42x30cm) - Rp 400.000Denim jacket with hand painting : UP movie - Rp 800.000 Sakura - Rp 600.000 Lion ...
Embroidery cushion made by fabric and denim waste. Each cushion features the quote of your choice and is ready to sit proudly in your home and decorated with beautiful patch work. Our aim is to delight our customers -if you would like to vary the text or add a ...