Crochet hand bag is part of Rajut Kasih Program. Collaborate with disabilities throughout Indonesia to support them to keep productive beyond distance. The crochet is decorate and sew in Precious One.Tas tangan terbuat dari rajutan (crochet) adalah bagian dari program Rajut Kasih.
Dirajut oleh disabilitas dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, ...
Famous story about Jesus feeds 5000 with five loaves and two fishes. Perfect for sunday school story telling and activity, can be used in home or daycare.Kisah terkenal Yesus memberi makan lima roti dan dua ikan. Cocok untuk kegiatan story telling di rumah atau sekolah minggu. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.
Snow White finger puppet for story telling and keep your child busy. Can be used in home and daycare.Boneka jari untuk story telling untuk aktivitas anak-anak. Sangat cocok untuk digunakan di rumah atau daycare.
Outer Sleeveless made using patch work techniques. Perfect addition to any outfit to make it pop.Outer unik terbuat dari bahan katun dan memanfaatkan perca kain dan dijahit patchwork.
Frozen finger puppet for story telling and keep your child busy. Can be used in home and daycare.Boneka jari untuk story telling untuk aktivitas anak-anak. Sangat cocok untuk digunakan di rumah atau daycare.
Its a stylish and cuddly cushion, made from fabric and the cover is replaceable and washable.
This gorgeous cushion is the perfect gift for baby and child, a fab birthday present or for your own collection it will look stunning in your own home too. The brightly coloured cushions will ...
Batik Cushion is perfect in any room, adding character in your crib. Made by cotton, dacron, application.Bantal menambah kehangatan aksesoris di hunian Anda. Terbuat dari katun, isi dakron dan aplikasi unik. Setiap dekorasi batik berbeda satu dengan yang lain.
Water bottle case, can custom in application and embroidery. Prevent dehydration this case is easy to carry your water bottle anywhere you go. Perfect for travelling, hiking, camping or other outdoor activity. Washable, reusable and custom design are accepted.Tas botol minum handmade bisa custom aplikasi, lucu, unik dan murah.
Sekarang ...
Almost all of us know about Ini Budi as part of our childhood in Bahasa Indonesia lesson. We bring back the memories about Ini Budi and his family through multipurpose pouch.Hampir semua kita tahu "ini Budi" dari pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dulu. Membawa kembali kenangan masa kecil tentang Budi dan ...
Great for travel or the car or on your table. Fits easily in your purse or luggage. Makes a great gift or keep for yourself. Tissue holder fits travel size tissue pouches.Dapat digunakan untuk menjadi tempat tissue di atas meja atau untuk dibawa di dalam tas. Ide hadiah menarik ...
Foldable reusable bag. Machine washed, folds up to fit in your pocket or purse. Perfect for shopping, groceries, travel, storage and practical for daily use.Tas lipat yang dapat digunakan berulang-ulang. Bisa dicuci dengan mesin, dapat dilipat dan digunakan untuk persediaan tas belanja, travel, untuk penggunaan sehari-hari.
Visual aid finger puppet Noah's ark story. Perfect for activity at sunday school, daycare or home. Increase children imagination.Alat peraga kisah bahtera Nuh. Dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas di sekolah minggu, daycare atau di rumah. Meningkatkan imajinasi anak.