Tissue case for cat lover. Make your travel tissues fun by carrying them in a sweet pouch. Unique in custom, handmade pieces.Tempat tissue berbentuk kucing, sangat tepat untuk anda cat lovers. Tempat tissue travel praktis untuk dimasukan dalam tas.
Totebag made by denim patch. Show your action in reducing waste by using environmentally product. Large capacity, simple, unique pattern. Take everything what you need and it all fits perfect in the bag. Very practical for daily use. Hand painted by autistic friend in Rumah Im Star.Totebag dengan aplikasi ...
Simple totebag in red and white stripes. Made by people with disabilities from Precious One.Totebag simple dengan warna merah dan putih. Dibuat oleh teman-teman disabilitas dari Precious One.
Totebag are available in 2 sizes, large and medium. Large capacity, simple, unique pattern. Take everything what you need and it all fits perfect in the bag. Very practical for daily use.Totebag dengan aplikasi model sepatu, tersedia dalam dua ukura, besar dan sedang. Sangat praktis untuk digunakan sehari-hari. Dibuat ...
Totebag are available in 2 sizes, large and medium. Large capacity, simple, unique pattern. Take everything what you need and it all fits perfect in the bag. Very practical for daily use.Totebag dengan aplikasi model sepatu, tersedia dalam dua ukura, besar dan sedang. Sangat praktis untuk digunakan sehari-hari. Dibuat ...
Totebag sign language. This ONE-OF-A-KIND zipper tote bag features a fun pattern of sign language (ASL). Can be used as college bag, beach bag, yoga bag, shopping bag, it's lightweighted and washable with care.Totebag bahasa isyarat. Tas ini sangat unik dengan motif bordir bahasa isyarat ASL, ada retsleting untuk ...
Bamboo wind chime, hand painted. Consist of five bamboo pipe, 76 cm total length. Pleasant and rich sound. Pattern and color may vary based on availability. Product collaboration with Pak Wiyono, person with disabilities from Semarang.Kluntungan bambu, dilukis dengan tangan. Terdiri dari lima pipa bambu, panjang 76 cm. Suara ...
Bamboo wind chime, hand painted. Consist of five bamboo pipe, 76 cm total length. Pleasant and rich sound. Pattern and color may vary based on availability. Product collaboration with Pak Wiyono, person with disabilities from Semarang.Kluntungan bambu, dilukis dengan tangan. Terdiri dari lima pipa bambu, panjang 76 cm. Suara ...
Trendy women's bucket, reversible stylish accent. Stitched brim, 1 cm wide.Topi ember untuk perempuan, bisa dipakai bolak balik dengan motif dan warna berbeda. Dijahit dengan jarak 1 cm. 
 Home made soap, craftily by people with limited sight, low vision. Available in goat milk and jasmine ingredients aroma (@30.000). Small pouch made by burlap, lace and cotton made by disabilities friends (@50.000).One package consist of 1 soap and 1 pouch.Limited stock  Sabun handmade @Rp. 30.000 dibuat oleh teman netra ...
Homemade soap is made by our partially sighted, low-vision friend from Dewijaya Care available in goat milk and jasmine ingredients aroma. The pouch is made by disabilities friends.One package consists of 1 soap and 1 pouchLimited stockSabun handmade @Rp. 30.000 di buat oleh teman netra low vision (tersedia dalam ...
Visual educative aid,. This plush can help children to learn using visuals in the learning process that help memorizing.Alat peraga edukasi membantu anak untuk mengerti dan mengingat bentuk hewan.