Tissue case for cat lover. Make your travel tissues fun by carrying them in a sweet pouch. Unique in custom, handmade pieces.Tempat tissue berbentuk kucing, sangat tepat untuk anda cat lovers. Tempat tissue travel praktis untuk dimasukan dalam tas.
Foldable reusable bag. Machine washed, folds up to fit in your pocket or purse. Perfect for shopping, groceries, travel, storage and practical for daily use.Tas lipat yang dapat digunakan berulang-ulang. Bisa dicuci dengan mesin, dapat dilipat dan digunakan untuk persediaan tas belanja, travel, untuk penggunaan sehari-hari.
Visual aid finger puppet women superheroes to stimulate imagination. Great to be used in the classroom , daycare and home.Alat peraga edukasi boneka jari berbentuk superheroes perempuan untuk kreasi imajinasi anak. Sangat baik digunakan untuk di ruang kelas, rumah dan daycare.
Foldable bag in owl shape. Use it to carry your groceries home or wear it as a shoulder bag. Tas lipat bentuk owl, bila tidak sedang memakai nya maka dapat digunakan sebagai gantungan lucu di tas anda, sangat ringan dan praktis untuk disimpan dan dibawa kemana pun.
The story is teach us about family moral value, boys who love and take care of their parents will be rewarded, parents unconditional love. The story remains a timeless classic. This finger puppet can be useful for story telling and keep your child active. Can be used in home ...
Everyone Can Be a Hero.
Be inspired with the aspiration of children with cancer. Superhero plush is handmade by our deaf and mute friends to honor them for their positivity, determination and bravery. You can buy and give this plush to other people/children that might need it. Or you can ...
Key case with the string will protect the content of your purse from damaging with your keys. Owl embroidery on a canvas.Pouch untuk menggantung kunci anda, sehingga tidak menggores barang-barang lain yang tersimpan dalam tas anda.
Multifunction pouch for your pandemic essential. The case can also be used to store any other personal belongings. Sale only pouch.Pouch multifungsi dapat digunakan untuk beragam kebutuhan membawa perlengkapan di masa pandemi.
Terdiri dari banyak kantong. Dijual hanya pouch saja tidak beserta isi.
Frozen chicken nugget homemade by Rachel, a blind cook. Approved recipe by chef Desi (Winner Masterchef Season 2).Nugget ayam frozen homemade dibuat oleh Rachel, teman netra. Resep telah diperbaharui oleh chef Desi, pemenang Masterchef Season 2.
Tissue case for cat lover. Make your travel tissues fun by carrying them in a sweet pouch. Unique in custom, handmade pieces.Tempat tissue berbentuk kucing, sangat tepat untuk anda cat lovers. Tempat tissue travel praktis untuk dimasukan dalam tas.
Finger puppet Jesus and Zaccheus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector of the city Jericho and learned that Jesus the prophet was passing through the city. Since Zacchaeus was "short in stature," he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up into a sycamore tree to have a better view ...