Its a stylish and cuddly cushion, made from fabric and the cover is replaceable and washable. This gorgeous cushion is the perfect gift for baby and child, a fab birthday present or for your own collection it will look stunning in your own home too. The brightly coloured cushions ...
Give your Christmas tree a colorful crochet. Unique and classic xmas decoration. Made by cotton yarn, using crochet techniques.Dekorasi Natal dibuat dengan teknik rajutan, terbuat dari bahan benang rajut katun. Dibuat oleh teman-teman disabilitas dari Precious One.
Special handbag to celebrate the warmth of Christmas day. Eco-friendly, plastic-free and entirely recycled, reclaimed and repurposed materialsHandbag spesial merayakan kehangatan Natal. Dibuat oleh teman-teman disabilitas dari Precious One, menggunakan bahan goni yang digunakan kembali dan dicuci lebih dulu sehingga lebih aman.